Sometimes when there is low fuel pressure, you may also get an oxygen sensor related trouble code as well. Any trouble codes that exist could be a clue. This trouble code detects that the fuel rail/system pressure is too low. The engine may throw a P0087 trouble code. Before taking anything apart, check to see if your engine’s computer has any trouble codes saved in it. There are physical signs that you can feel when your Taurus’s fuel pump is going out. The bad news is that they cost a lot in terms of labor to repair and replace. The good news is that fuel pumps are inexpensive. While being in the fuel tank makes the pump more reliable, it also makes it a lot more difficult to get to. It is in the fuel tank because “pushing” fuel to the fuel rail is easier than “pulling” the fuel, which is what an inline pump would do. In modern fuel injected vehicles, the fuel pump sits right in the fuel tank and “pushes” the gasoline to the fuel rail(s). With that in mind, most of the symptoms of a bad fuel pump revolve around the vehicle stalling out or not running at all. Without gas your Taurus will not run at all.

If your Ford Taurus’s fuel pump goes bad, no fuel (or not enough fuel depending on whether or not it’s out all the way) can enter the engine.

One of the worst problems that can happen to a vehicle is a bad fuel pump. Src=”” alt=”Bad Fuel Pump Signs Ford Taurus” width=”593″ height=”306″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-4324″/>